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Day 12 - August 16, 2018

“Understanding is the Key.”
           Understanding is one of the hardest challenges you have to face when it comes in dealing other people. What more if the other person speaks another language or dialect. Regardless of the language or dialect, understanding is a very important value to practice because you have to speak more than just words, but even far beyond that.
Changes in Objects

I had a class with EP 3 and I tried to apply more Student-Centered activities for them however it became a real challenge for me since the topic is just Changes in Objects and I had to expound it for two hours. What I did was a review from the previous topic as what my mentor told me. They have to repeat and repeat the lesson to instill in the minds of the students. I remember Thorndike’s Laws of Learning and upon those laws was the Law of Exercise wherein repetition is encouraged for better retention. I asked them to place their hands inside a mystery bag where I put several things made of Wood, Plastic, Rubber and Metal. After all of them experienced feeling the things, I asked them to enumerate the objects they could remember. Another batch of students had to identify from what the objects were made of; for example, a paper clip, it is made of metal. Then I proceeded on my lesson proper which was about the changes in objects due to force and temperature. I demonstrated how these can affect objects then I let them do it on their own (pouring warm water in powder). I also asked them to make their own clay figures to show that force can really change objects.


Teacher Substitute in Mini Program

​I thought my work for the day is done, but I was asked to substitute in a class in another program, Mini Program 5/1. They were behaving in my class but I am aware that most of them may not understand what I was saying, but still, I was able to deliver despite less preparation and they were able to do the activities I asked them to do even though they still needed coaching when formulating English sentences.

Weekly Conference

​For our weekly routine, we had the weekly conference where the schedule for the following week is given and discussed once more. They discussed more work issues and I realized here the value of understanding and communication. No matter how difficult, explaining is important when it comes to several matters and one of them is about work issues.

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