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Day 24 - August 28, 2018

​"Teachers should consider technology as a friend,
not an enemy."
            Students used to be highly dependent on the teacher for learning. However, due to innovations, internet and other access for information, the teacher's job became dynamic. Teachers now do not just teach new knowledge because they probably could get it in right sources, rather, the job of the teacher now is to facilitate learning and endure their understanding of the facts easily obtained nowadays. Sadly, what our new dean in UST College of Education said in one of her talks, the sense of awe is lost among learners because technology took over the "mystery". It will be a challenge for teachers to let the students be engaged in the classroom regardless of the thought “we could learn this outside”. 

Just like any normal day

​It was Anggita’s birthday! We planned not to great her because of the surprise later on. Kier got the cake from the coffee shop and hid it. We spent the day normally but we were all anxious about the evaluation. All I could do was sigh and went back to work for my classes tomorrow and the other day. I made my PowerPoint and also some more media that will aid me in my lessons.

Anggita's Birthday

By lunch we were told that the foreign teachers also wanted to surprise and greet her.That's why we planned to celebrate together. In the teaching room after her evaluation, she was surprised when the people entered and sang “Happy Birthday”. It was fun celebrating birthday during the SEA Teachers Program, but it was also sad because you’re away from your family. However, we made families here during our temporary stay, I guess that made our stay extra special compared to others.


We had dinner in Lab Nom, the laboratory-inspired coffee shop that I really admire as a Science teacher. We ordered a food and got surprised because we forgot to tell waitress to lessen the spicines, but we ate it anyway. We spent the rest of the day preparing for our classes but also thanking our own God for the gift of life.

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