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Day 16 - August 20, 2018

"Imagination is our inner-child and
creativity, its playground."
Jaeda DeWalt
          I always go to playgrounds when I was a child. Until now, whenever I see a playground, I feel the urge of my inner child-self to at least go near and reminisce the time I used to play in one. I want to be that child again who thinks about nothing else except the other child running after her, the breeze down the slide, or her hanging feet off the ground when she swings. But life is a playground, you'll meet new people, they will come and go. Your strength may not be enough for you to cross the monkey-bars, fear might take over your will to let go in the slide, or others might hurt you unintentionally, but as long as you want to keep playing, you will rise up, be stronger and heal.
Preparation of Instructional Materials

Many may wonder why it takes a lot of time for us to make our instructional materials. The other lecturers may wonder why we use many materials and do them in the Teachers’ Room, our home for the month inside Satit (Demonstration School). The reason is because we wanted to make every class as interesting as the last time. In the Philippines, creating instructional materials is a must. You have to pick the right colors, designs and appropriate materials to help in engaging your students in the lesson as well as to make the topic, no matter how difficult, pleasing to the eyes.

Coffee Milk Tea

​We had lunch in the cafeteria although it was raining. We didn’t know why only few stalls were open. Long lines were in queue in front of the open stalls including the one where we bought our food. As much as possible, we wanted to eat halal food in respect with our Indonesian co-SEA Teacher participants. After we bought our food, I ordered a milk tea. I thought it was Cha Yen, but when I tasted it, it was coffee. I finished it together with my food even though I am not a fan of coffees.

Dinner Games

​By dinner, we bought food from the market outside and ate in the cafeteria near Dormitory A. After eating we played UNO Cards and the loser will have to do the punishment. Thankfully, I did not lose. It was getting late but we spent the rest of the night talking about our lives away from Thailand as if we were long lost friends. We eventually did because for me, they became my family during this short stay. After, it’s a big question mark if we will meet again in person. Hopefully, we will.

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