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Day 22 - August 26, 2018

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
J.R.R. Tolkien
          I agree to this statement of Thorin (The Hobbit) that if only  people can just sit around, enjoy the food, cheer  and sing all together, it would be a better world. Food, in fact, is one of the most significant part of cultural identities of places. Would it be nicer if we could all sit in a buffet where dishes from around the world are shared?
More Thai Food!

I had lunch in the nearby 7/11, just banana, yakult and hot choco. I bought a bread also but I just realized I left it when we were back in the dormitory already. I was not able to get it.


We went to lunch in a small restaurat near Central Library and Museum of Nakhon si Thammarat. Unfortunately we weren't able to go to in because it was close on sunday. We spent the time bonding  with one another and walking around the city, thinking we would be leaving soon.

At dinner, we went to the city again near the Old City Wall and ate in another restaurant with more Thailand cruisines.

Wai with McDonald
We walked around and saw a McDonald's. They ordered burger and ice cream but I just watched them eat and ordered fries because I do not eat burgers and I wanted to save my voice for the following week. We were about to leave when we saw their McDonald statue. It was not like any ordinary McDonald statue you would see elsewhere, only in Thailand. They acculturated the appearance of McDonald into their own by doing their vow and probably saying "Sawadee krap".

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